Friends of Eagle Club
The Estonian Ornithological Society
The aims of the Estonian Ornithological Society (EOS) include the conservation, study and propagation of Estonian birds. The EOS was founded in 1921, and since 2000, it is a cooperation partner of the bird conservation organisation BirdLife International in Estonia.
The LIFE programme
was established in 1992 to provide financial support to the environmental projects undertaken by the member states of the European Union. The implementation of the programme is handled by the Directorate General for Environmental Protection.
LIFE-Nature provides funding for environmental conservation projects for the implementation of the bird and nature directives and the Natura 2000 network, as well as the conservation and restoration of natural habitats and species.
The Environmental Investment Centre
is a foundation governed by the Ministry of Finance and aimed at directing the money received from the use of the environment towards developing national environmental projects.
The Regional Environmental Centre for Central and Eastern Europe
The creation of the Eagle Club website was financed by REC Estonia. We thank the officials of REC for their helpful attitude.
The Regional Environmental Centre for Central and Eastern Europe is a non-profit organisation with the mission of helping to solve environmental problems in Central and Eastern Europe by developing collaboration between non-governmental organisations, governments and businesses by facilitating the free exchange of information and the involvement of the public in the making of decisions related to the environment.
is a famous artist who has often used the motif of nature in his works. As part of Navitrolla’s charity campaign “Half of the Take for Eagles”, postcards designed by the artist were sold and half of the profits were donated to the cause of eagle protection.